The Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce Presents:

The 2nd Annual Pocomoke River Raft Race

When: June 21, 2025 - Start of race is 12pm - Team Check In starts at 10am
Start: Sturgis Park, Snow Hill [MAP]
Finish: Sturgis Park, Snow Hill (rafts will travel on the river towards Bryd Park, go around a floating buoy, and return to Sturgis Park to finish)

Cost: $75 per team (Benefits the Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce)

Spectators are FREE!

Register a Team HERE 

Welcome, adventurous souls and creative minds, to The Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce 2nd Annual Pocomoke River Raft Race! The race is back and better than ever! BYOB - Build Your Own Boat, where imagination, craftsmanship, and a splash of competitive spirit converge on the tranquil waters of the Pocomoke River. Whether you're a seasoned boat builder or a novice DIY enthusiast, this is your chance to let your creativity flow and showcase your engineering talents.

Grab a few buddies or attempt the race solo. Teams of 1-4 participants will build their raft/boat out of anything that floats! From traditional wood to recycled plastics, giant inflatables, air mattresses, empty soda cans, and/or cardboard. The only limit is your imagination. Remember, innovation and creativity are highly encouraged! All vessels must be human propelled. No motors or sails. No manufactured Boats, Canoes, Kayaks, or Paddle Boards. You may use manufactured paddles.

In addition to bragging rights and glory, participants will have the chance to win fantastic prizes generously provided by local sponsors. Prize categories are listed below.

Don't miss your chance to be part of this exciting event! Start gathering your materials, rallying your crew, and preparing to embark on an unforgettable voyage on the Pocomoke River. Let the countdown to race day begin!

How To Register as a Team:

  1. Register your team HERETeams of 1-4 must register in advance. 20 teams total!

  2. Come up with a list of the team's crew, and a creative name for the team. Nominate a Team Captain.

  3. The team captain will be emailed an event Packet. This packet will contain your vessel number, rules, waiver and launch time.

  4. Captains: Bring your crew with their ID’s and your vessel to the Sturgis Park Pavillion area at 10am. Each person on your team will need to show ID and sign a waiver at this time. Only those crew members who have a wristband to verify age and have signed a waiver will be allowed to participate in the race.

Official Rules:

Raft Restrictions:

  • Must display vessel number on raft.

  • The maximum size of the raft is 12 feet long by 8 feet wide, by 10 feet tall.

  • No glass, Styrofoam that is not encapsulated, or empty containers that once held toxic chemicals may be used to construct your raft. No nails or sharp items may be used below the water line.

  • All vessels must be securely lashed as not to fall apart during the race. Vessels must be able to withstand the river currents.

  • All items (Coolers, etc.) must also be secured to the raft.

  • All vessels must have a garbage receptacle (bags are okay) secured to the raft.

  • No electric or gas-powered motors of any kind are allowed.

  • No sails are allowed.

  • Crew members may use paddles or human-powered propulsion.

  • Your raft must have some sort of tethered anchor to keep it in place before starting the race.

  • You do not have to have a fancy homemade raft; you can also use inflatables or even cardboard. The possibilities are endless!

  • No manufactured Boats, Canoes, Kayaks, or Paddle Boards. You may use manufactured paddles.

  • Please test your raft before the race.

Crew Restrictions:

  • Each team must register for the event.

  • Each participant must wear shoes, water shoes, sandals, flip flops or other footwear at all times.

  • Crew members must all be 18 or over.

  • Every participant must wear a properly fitted Coast-Guard approved Life Vest at all times.

  • All participants must sign a waiver and have a wristband to verify age.

  • Participants should remain on or holding on to their vessel at all times.

  • No animals are allowed on any rafts.

  • Water balloons are not allowed, but water guns are encouraged.

  • Anyone exhibiting unsafe behavior will be disqualified and could be banned from the race or future races.

    Costumes are encouraged and a prize for best dressed team will be awarded.

Environmental Restrictions:

  • You must recover all pieces of your vessel, including any that sink- at your own expense.

  • You are responsible for packing out all your trash.

  • You are responsible for retrieving and/or disposing of your raft at the end of the race.

  • The organizers of this event cannot be held responsible for any damage caused or any injuries incurred. Your team should ensure that they are covered by their own personal insurance. And an event waiver must be signed.

  • Race organizers have final say on all race participants. Any craft, team, or team member can and will be removed from the event by the Snow Hill Police Department for actions perceived to be dangerous to fellow race participants, event staff, volunteers or spectators.

  • NO WATER BALLOONS are allowed.

  • Weather/Water Conditions may postpone or reschedule the event.

Vessel Inspection:

Prior to launching, your vessel and crew will be inspected for the following 10 things:

  1. All your crew members have been checked in, age verified, and have signed a waiver.

  2. You must have a crew of sufficient size to launch your vessel un-aided by others. Or you must be able to launch your vessel yourself un-aided (if you are a team of 1).

  3. Vessel number must be clearly displayed.

  4. Vessel does not exceed the maximum dimensions.

  5. Cooler check- NO GLASS IS PERMITTED. NO ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED ON BOARD. Also, NO WATER BALLOONS. Water guns are allowed.

  6. Each crew member must be wearing a properly fitted coast-guard approved life vest at all times.

  7. All vessels must have a garbage receptacle secured to it.

  8. All crew members must wear shoes at all times.

  9. Vessel must be deemed sea worthy by the event inspector, with no environmental or safety concerns.

  10. Vessel must have some sort of tethered anchor to keep raft in place before starting the race.

Prize Categories:

***Awards will be held at Sturgis Park Pavillon 15-30 min after the last participant exits the river.

  1. Rafts to completely cross the designated finish line in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will receive awards.

  2. Best dressed team (which team has the best costumes)

  3. Broken Paddle Award (given to the team that the judges determine deserved recognition for their struggles and not giving up)


Besides bragging rights that you and your team are the best on the Eastern Shore, you’ll receive a custom wooden paddle trophy for your team to display proudly, as well as medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. (There might be some other fun prizes thrown in as well)


Q:  Is there a minimum or maximum amount of people that I can have on my raft?
A: Yes. Teams can be of 1 to 4 people per raft maximum.

Q: What will happen in the weather is poor on race day?
A: We will make every effort to reschedule the event for a later date.

Q: What are the prize for the winners?
A: Yes! The prizes are listed above.

Q: Can my business enter a raft and attach advertisements on it? A: If you, as a business, enter a raft, you will be able display your company name, logo and any other information about your company that you choose on your raft. What a great way to advertise your business!

Please note that the rules listed above are subject to revision at any time. Please make sure to print off the rules before you leave home Friday morning to make sure you have the most updated copy.

Our Wonderful Sponsors

If you would like to be an event sponsor, please email